Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Management


Informative diptych(Spanish)

This bachelor’s programme is accredited by the European Network for the Accreditation of Engineering Education (ENAEE) via the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA) and holds the EUR-ACE® international quality label.

Acreditación EUR-ACE Certificado-Organizacion-Industrial

Industrial Management engineering is hugely important in the industrial and services sector, where managers with extensive technical training are needed. This degree programme will train you to carry out these activities in a competitive, sustainable manner, promoting improvement and innovation in products, services, technological processes and organisational models.

The first two years are common to all degree programmes in Industrial Engineering and are made up of basic Engineering modules and more specific Industrial Engineering modules. This gives you the opportunity to switch to another programme if you decide you prefer to specialise in a different area after having started your course. The remaining two years are made up of specific Industrial Organisation courses. All courses are updated to reflect the latest technological developments and contain a sizeable practical component. It is also possible to study part of the programme abroad and to complete an internship in a company working in the sector. This will ensure a smooth transition as you enter the labour market, allow you to adapt to the ongoing changes taking place in the field.

The Higher Polytechnic School also offers the opportunity to complete a Double Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Management Engineering, which will improve your career prospects still further.

You will also be able to take advantage of the University of Jaén's unique cross-disciplinary training programme and the range of activities offered in connection with this bachelor’s programme to improve your personal development and professional prospects.

Tutor's degree

Silvia Satorres

Dña. Silvia Satorres Martínez

Correo electrónico
satorres [arroba] ujaen [punto] es
Dependencia: A3-471