This bachelor’s programme is accredited by the European Assurance Network for Informatics Education (EQANIE) via the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA) and holds the Euro-INF international quality label.
The Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Engineering aims to train expert IT professionals, providing them with a comprehensive background on the technology that allows them to analyse, design, develop and install computer systems, among others, under different working environments and conditions, thus being able to adapt to any change, development or innovation.
The programme trains students in the skills required to become a computer technical engineer, as stipulated in the University Council Agreement of 13 March 2009 (BOE 4/8/2009).
Computer engineers are in high demand from companies in Spain and abroad, with work available almost as soon as you graduate.
The Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Engineering at the University of Jaén allows students to choose between three computing specialisations: software engineering, information systems and information technologies.
You will also be able to take advantage of the University of Jaén's unique cross-disciplinary training programme and the activities offered in connection with this bachelor’s programme to improve your personal development and professional prospects.
- EURO-INF International Quality Seal Certificate
- Accreditation renewal resolution
- RUCT file and publication of the study plan in BOE
- Grade memory RUCT
- More information on the degree in the UJA study portal.
Other relevant information
Agreement of the Council of Universities on Recommendations for the preparation of the Application Reports for official titles in the field of Technical Computer Engineering, published according toResolution of the General Secretariat of Universities of June 8, 2009 (BOE of August 4, 2009)
Tutor ' s Degree
D. Miguel Ángel García CumbrerasPhone number
magc [arroba] ujaen [punto] es
Dependencia: A3-112