
In a context in which information, culture and society in general are increasingly globalised, extending your training experience to other Spanish and foreign universities is key to developing your CV and improving your prospects on the labour market. As well as the mobility programmes and the scholarships and grants for mobility from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, the University of Jaén offers specific mobility grants, language skills programmes and opportunities for cultural exchange.

International mobility

All international mobility programmes for students at the University of Jaén are managed centrally by the Vice-rectorate for Internationalisation. This Vicerectorate draws up the necessary agreements with universities of interest.

The Vice-rectorate for Internationalisation informs students about the different mobility programmes, the host university and programme, the number of places available, the requirements for admission to the mobility programme, the relevant tutors and the available funding on its website

The school has a mobility coordinator who is responsible for mobility programmes and for organising activities to encourage student participation in this type of programme. Under the mobility agreements, specific academic coordinators are appointed from among the teaching staff, who are responsible for ensuring that the modules to be studied by the exchange students are equivalent to those recognised by their qualification.

Once students have been selected and accept the mobility grant, the Vicerectorate for Internationalisation will process the documents required by the host university and address any issues arising alongside the academic coordinator.

Once they have been validated by the academic coordinator, the learning contracts signed by the students must also be validated by the school’s mobility coordinator.

You can consult the current mobility agreements here.

Mobility between Spanish universities (SICUE)

National mobility programmes for students at the University of Jaén are managed centrally by the Vice-rectorate for Students and the Student Support Service.

The EPSJ mobility coordinator is responsible for drawing up agreements with other universities, as well as for validating the learning contracts signed by students of the school who participate in these mobility programmes.

You can consult the procedures for this type of mobility here.

You can view the current call for participation here.

EPSJ Mobility Coordinator


Mr Cándido Gutiérrez Montes Cumbreras

Email address
cgmontes [arroba] ujaen [punto] es
Office: A3-022