The Master’s degree in IT Security

Cabecera informática

The Master’s degree in IT Security at the University of Jaén is an official postgraduate programme that goes some way to meeting the high demand from national and international markets for IT security professionals who are able to protect companies’ IT systems and networks from the numerous threats that they face on a daily basis.

Comprising 60 ECTS credits and delivered in a blended format, the programme is suitable for both students and IT professionals.

The overall aim is to provide training in the main techniques for protecting every part of an IT system (operating systems, networks, application software, web systems, industrial systems, etc.) from attacks and threats, covering aspects of cybersecurity such as: attacks and threats on operating systems (analysis of vulnerabilities and malware, common attack techniques), networks and application software, web systems, ethical hacking, legislation on protecting computing assets and IT systems, analysis of legal risks, specialised hardware platforms, forensic analysis, and proactive and reactive decision-making in response to potential breaches of cybersecurity.

You can also take advantage of the University of Jaén's unique cross-disciplinary training programme and the range of activities offered in connection with this master’s programme to improve your personal development and professional prospects.

The Master’s degree in IT Security is also available as a double degree in conjunction with the Master’s degree in Computer Engineering at the University of Jaén

The programme details are as follows:

  • 60 credits ECTS (1 year of duration)
  • 30 places, including 10 from double Master
  • Blended ( 4 face-to-face hours for each ECTS credit)
  • Work placements in high-technology companies with positive projected growth.
  • Intensive schedule for each set of subjects.
  • Lecturers from UJA and other universities (in Spain, such as UGR, US, UMA, UPV and UPV, or abroad). Teaching from industry professionals at the university and in the workplace, like Telefónica ElevenPaths, BBVA, Indra, Hispasec, Valeo, etc.

Datos Generales

  • Center: Escuela Politécnica Superior de Jaén
  • Duration : 60 / 1 year
  • Publication of RUCT file in B.O.E : BOE 24/10/2017
  • Branch of Knowledge:Engineering and Architecture
  • Delivery Mode: Blended ( 4 face-to-face hours for each ECTS credit)
  • Languages: Spanish & English (currently it is only taught in Spanish)
  • Number of entry-level places: 20 places
  • Students data
  • Implementation: The first year of the master’s programme will be implemented in the 2017-2018 academic year
  • Criteria & specific procedure for termination of study programmes (PC15 Termination of study programme)


Miguel Ángel

D. Miguel Ángel García Cumbreras


Email address
magc [arroba] ujaen [punto] es (magc[at]ujaen[dot]es)
Office: A3-112